Duke of Edinburgh's Award
Learning to navigate successfully is on of the core skill in an D of E expedition.
On this page you can find some useful tips for navigating with a compass along with information about how to use time when thinking about the distance you can cover.
Then we have a selection of really useful videos for you to watch, they can help introduce you to the skills you’ll need to learn.
Orienting the Map Using the Compass
Keep it simple! Just use the compass needle – ignore all the other features of the compass until you are more confident (see below)
Place the compass on the map
Rotate the map and compass until the red North needle points ‘up’ on the map
Now relate the map to the ground – what can you see?
Use your watch when you’re navigating to time the legs
With a pack on your back, you’ll probably walk at 4km per hour
This is a pace of 15 minutes per km
To calculate the time for a leg of your journey:
Find the distance of the leg in km
Multiply by 15
2km 2 x 15 = 30 min
3km 3 x 15 = 45 min
1.4km 1.4 x 15 = 21 min
400m 0.4 x 15 = 6 min
Remember to adjust for the pace of the slowest member in your group
Navigation VideoS
Open Days
Experience Rossall.