Rossall Rose Society

Committee Meetings

2023 -2024

Formal meetings will be held at least once each term to oversee the Programme of Events. A quorum should consist of at least the Chair or Vice Chair, Secretary, Member of SMT and three other members.

Additional informal meetings may be called to assist in the organisation of specific events, attended by Chair / Vice Chair, event organiser and one other member.

If any member of the Society wishes to attend a meeting but is unable to do so in person, an online ZOOM link will be made available subject to internet connectivity. 

A group email account and WhatsApp will be set up for correspondence.

Previous minutes, agenda and invitations need to be sent out one week in advance by the Secretary.

Any events organised by the Society must be done so in conjunction with the School Calendar coordinator.

Michaelmas Term

Monday 11th September, 6.30pm – Ambassadors Meeting, Pennine Suite

Tuesday 19th September, 6.30pm – Executive Meeting, Pennine Suite 

Lent Term 

Tuesday 27th February, 6.30pm – Ambassadors Meeting, Pennine Suite

Wednesday 6th March, 6.30pm – Executive Meeting, Pennine Suite

Summer Term 

Wednesday 17th April, 6.30pm – Ambassadors Meeting, Pennine Suite

Thursday 25th April, 6.30pm – Executive Meeting, Pennine Suite

Monday 17th June, 6.30pm – Rossall Rose Society AGM Meeting, Pennine Suite



