Please note that all of the fees listed below are effective from January 2025 and are inclusive of VAT, where applicable.
Administration Fees 24/25
International & non UK resident:
International registration form fee: £250
Visa administration fee: £250
Deposit: £6,000
Registration form fee: £120
Deposit (day): £1,000
Deposit (UK boarding): £2,000
No additional Scholarship application fee
Nursery Fees 0+ to 2 years – Sanderlings Baby Room
Fees are inclusive of meals, nappies, wipes and creams.
Full-Day £62.00
Full Week (5 days) £300.00
Nursery 2 Years to 4 Years Fees – Sandpipers and Pre-School
Morning Session (including lunch) 8.00am – 1.00pm £34.00
Afternoon Session 1.00pm – 6.00pm £34.00
Sandpiper Day Rate (includes lunch, nappies and wipes) 8.00am – 6.00pm £62.00
Pre-School Day Rate (including lunch) 8.00am – 6.00pm £62.00
Sandpiper and Pre-School Full Week (5 days) £300
An Early Bird Session 7.30am – 8.00am (by prior booking) £10.00
Due to an increase in late collections, we must reintroduce the late fee – £10 per 10 minutes
All meals, snacks, drinks and additional items are included. There may be a small charge from time to time for activities that will always be communicated in advance.
We offer both 30 and 15 hours of funded childcare. This government funding is available for eligible families from the term after a child is 9 months old.
Day – £5,327
Weekly Boarder – £8,590
Boarder – £12,220 -
Day – £5,782
Weekly Boarder – £10,463Boarder:
Year 9, Year 10 GCSE, Year 11, Year 12 & 13 A Level, Year 12 BTEC – £15,840
Year 11 Pre Sixth Form Foundation, Year 11 Pre Sixth Form – £16,545 -
Day – £6,482
Weekly Boarder – £11,158
Boarder – £16,545 -
Pre-Prep – £375
Preparatory and Senior – £425 -
Where it is necessary to provide more tailored, subject-specific support on a one to one basis or in small groups, this requires specialist staffing outside of the Learning Development department. In order to be able to effectively provide this support for all of the pupils needing it, or indeed requesting it, we will be moving to a model of charging for blocks of lessons of such specialist support.
From September 2024, the charging model detailed below will replace other forms of charge previously applied by the Learning Development department for support.
2 Lessons per fortnight – £2194 Lessons per fortnight – £383
6 Lessons per fortnight – £493
Over 6 lessons per fortnight* – £548
* it is unlikely that any pupil in the School will drop more than one subject at any time in their School career for the purpose of attending specialist lessons. Where this occurs or is deemed necessary by the School or by the parents, such cases will be discussed on an individual basis.
Solo Class – 30 minutes/week for 10 lessons across the term – £250
Solo Class – 60 minutes/week for 10 lessons across the term – £500
Pre-Prep Piano – 15 minutes/week for 10 lessons across the term – £125
Prep Brass Group – 30 minutes/week for 10 lessons across the term – £125SPEECH AND DRAMA (LAMDA)
Solo Class – £270
2 Person Class – £145
3 or More Class – £90MEDICAL INSURANCE
Private Medical Insurance – £150 per term
Years 7 – 8 – Per night – £60
Years 9 – 13 – Per night – £71 -
The cost (excluding School fees) to join the Elite Football Programme in partnership with Manchester City FC is:
Senior Boys and Senior Girls, Years 12-13: £6,570 per year / £2,190 per term
Intermediate Boys and Girls, Years 10-11: £5,475 per year / £1,825 per term
Junior Boys and Girls, Years 7-9: £3,285 a year / £1,095 per term
Notice periods
Please note that we request students to join for a minimum of one term. As such, students who wish to withdraw from the academy will need to give sufficient notice on the following basis;
Michaelmas Term – Notice will need to be received on or before the last day of the October half-term holiday to withdraw from the beginning of the Lent term.
Lent Term – Notice will need to be received on or before the last day of the February half-term holiday to withdraw from the beginning of the Summer term.
Summer Term – Notice will need to be received on or before the last day of the May/June half-term holiday to withdraw from the beginning of the next academic year.
If notice is received after the half-term deadlines, the student will be deemed as enrolled for the following term and will be invoiced accordingly.
The cost (excluding School fees) to join the Preparatory School Football Programme is:
Prep Boys and Girls – Years 4-6: Price for September 2024 TBC
Preparatory Programme
Years 3 to 6
£296 per term
Foundation Programme
Year 7 to 13
£383 per term
Development Programme
Year 7 to 9
£679 per termYear 10 to 11
£767 per termYears 12 to 13
£860 per term
Performance Programme
Year 7 to 9
£1,007 per termYear 10 to 11
£1,095 per termYears 12 to 13
£1,182.60 per term
Details and costs of each Programme can be found within the Golf Academy ‘Programme’ Brochure. Students enrolling onto the ‘Preparatory / Foundation’ Programmes commit to the Programme for a minimum of one term, and those enrolling onto the ‘Development / Performance’ Programmes commit to the Programme until the end of the academic year.
Students can opt to change onto a more advanced programme at the beginning of any term and all students will automatically be re enrolled each academic year.
Students on the Preparatory or Foundation programmes wishing to discontinue or downgrade their Golf Academy membership must provide a minimum of one term’s notice.
Students on the Development or Performance programmes wishing to discontinue or downgrade their Golf Academy membership can only do so at the end of an academic year and MUST provide notice by the end of the Lent Term to avoid re-enrolment.
The cost (excluding school fees) to join the International Piano Academy is:
£5,685 per year (£1,895 per term)
The age range of pupils in the academy would be from Year 7 to 13 (11-18)
Notice periods
Please note that we request students to join for a minimum of one term. As such, students who wish to withdraw from the academy will need to give sufficient notice on the following basis;
Michaelmas Term – Notice will need to be received on or before the last day of the October half-term holiday to withdraw from the beginning of the Lent term.
Lent Term – Notice will need to be received on or before the last day of the February half-term holiday to withdraw from the beginning of the Summer term.
Summer Term – Notice will need to be received on or before the last day of the May/June half-term holiday to withdraw from the beginning of the next academic year.
If notice is received after the half-term deadlines, the student will be deemed as enrolled for the following term and will be invoiced accordingly.
The cost (excluding school fees) to join the Broadway Academy of Performing Arts Signature Programme is:
£4,272 per year (£1,424 per term)
A term’s notice is required to cancel a place in the academy.
The Saturday Academy is inclusive for members of the Signature programme. For all other pupils it is
£214 per term
Notice periods
Please note that we request students to join for a minimum of one term. As such, students who wish to withdraw from the academy will need to give sufficient notice on the following basis;
Michaelmas Term – Notice will need to be received on or before the last day of the October half-term holiday to withdraw from the beginning of the Lent term.
Lent Term – Notice will need to be received on or before the last day of the February half-term holiday to withdraw from the beginning of the Summer term.
Summer Term – Notice will need to be received on or before the last day of the May/June half-term holiday to withdraw from the beginning of the next academic year.
If notice is received after the half-term deadlines, the student will be deemed as enrolled for the following term and will be invoiced accordingly.
£1,450pw (regular)
£1,600pw (specialised skill)
£1,110pw (final week only)
£125 Reg Fee
No deposit required
Rossall School has three terms per school year. Fees can be paid via 10 x monthly direct debit payments. Fees include VAT and personal accident insurance.
For a full list of payment forms accepted by the school, please click here.
For UK Residents Only:
As an alternative to paying your school fees termly, we are delighted to advise that you can now opt to pay your school fees and extras via monthly repayments through School Fee Plan.
School Fee Plan has over 20 years’ experience in providing this service to parents.
Click on the link below to find out more about School Fee Plan and how to apply:
Credit is subject to status, terms and conditions apply, over 18s only.
Rossall School is an Introducer appointed representative of Premium Credit Limited which is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. School Fee Plan is a trading name of Premium Credit Limited (company number 02015200).
In addition to the School’s Bursary Fund, there are a number of educational and charitable trusts which provide assistance with tuition fees. In the majority of cases, these are to assist children who are already attending a fee-paying school and due to a change of circumstances may be unable to remain. The School encourages parents/ guardians to apply for support where it is felt a good case can be made for assistance. Further information on how to pursue such assistance may be obtained from: http://educational-grants.org/. You can ring the helpline on 01932 865619 between the hours of 9am and 11am, Monday to Friday.
Rossall School families are automatically given a fee discount on more than one child being educated within the school, at a point in time. This sibling discount is given on the second, third and fourth child etc. For example, where there are three siblings at Rossall, the oldest child would receive no fee discount, the second 10%, and the youngest 15%. When the first child leaves Rossall, the second child would have the 10% sibling discount removed, etc. The sibling discount does not apply to siblings in the Nursery.
All pupils of Old Rossallians / former pupils of the school will receive an automatic discount of 10% off the fees from the Reception class onward.
The Day fees per the drop-down menus above include tuition of the standard curriculum (including sports, arts and activities). The Boarding fees include all of the above plus accommodation, breakfast, lunch, tea and laundry.
In addition to the standard tuition fees listed below, other expenses may also be incurred. These extras may include things such as textbooks, materials and examinations, as well as optional trips, the school bus service and other incidental costs. Our academies (football, golf, piano, and performing arts) have separate fees in addition to our standard fees.
Please note that fees are due and payable before the first day of term. For full details please refer to the Standard Terms and Conditions per the Acceptance Form. Please note that fees may be subject to revision on an annual basis.
For further information about fees please contact our admissions team: admissions@rossall.org.uk
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Complete the Registration Form to start your journey at Rossall.