Broadway Academy


What We Are Looking For

The Broadway Academy of Performing Arts is suitable for children with an interest in dance, drama and music. For some it will inspire a lifelong love of the stage whilst for others it may well lead to a career in some aspect of the industry.

Above all else, the Broadway Academy of Performing Arts will serve to promote confidence and creativity and an ability to communicate with others. Musical Theatre explores the human condition and, consequently, is a great vehicle for developing empathy and compassion.

The exploration of the inner-self is at the heart of many musicals and here at Rossall we believe that performing arts provide a context within which children may meaningfully explore all aspects of what it means to be human. 

The Broadway Academy is designed to be fun. An ability to creatively share with one another and to laugh and grow together in pursuit of excellence is important.

Application Process

Membership of the Academy is open to all current members of the School. There is an additional charge for the Saturday Academy and one to one tuition in dance, singing or acting, but co-curricular activity sessions which take place during the week are included in the termly school fee. 

 A small number of specific Musical Theatre Scholarships are available each year for the Broadway Signature Programme. These may be supplemented with means-tested bursaries dependent upon parental fee income. 

For more information or to express interest please fill out the form below or contact our Admissions Department on


Workshops & Classes