Summer Week 7 - Message from the Junior Headmaster

Dear Parents,

It has been an absolute delight to welcome back many pupils from Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6, this week. The smiles on their faces have been enough to warm all of us, in the days where the weather decided to turn after weeks of glorious sunshine. The children have thoroughly enjoyed meeting their friends and teachers once more, joining in with lessons, whilst thriving in a multitude of outdoor opportunities. Moreover, for those of us who have greeted the pupils, we have been reminded just what a powerful part that schools play in the lives of the children and how much we have missed them being at Rossall; a school without pupils is merely a building. However, our community and School family have produced a virtual world where we still meet and come together in a plethora of ways. I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting some different year groups in my Zoom time with the children this week, and am very much looking forward to attempting a whole school virtual assembly next week!

We continue to reflect and refine our processes and I know after speaking to a number of parents, that the remote learning program that has continued this week, has been exceptionally well received. Please do contact me if you would like to discuss any element of your child's educational provision. Carrying on with the virtual theme, we host our first ever online open day tomorrow, where we will look to showcase our wonderful School.

A huge welcome back to our pupils who have joined us this week. We hope to see the rest of you soon.

Have a restful weekend. 

Mr Turner
Headmaster of Rossall Junior School


Summer Week 6 - Message from the Junior Headmaster


Summer Week 8 - Message from the Junior Headmaster