Summer Week 6 - Message from the Junior Headmaster
Dear Parents,
Today we welcomed back to School many of the children from Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 as part of the familiarisation sessions to prepare them for School reopening on Monday 8th June. It was an absolute delight to see the faces of the children light up as they saw their friends and teachers in the flesh for the first time in a very long time. I know there are many more children joining us on Monday, including those from our Nursery, and we are very much looking forward to being in their company once more.
For the children not presently returning, I am delighted that our hugely successful remote learning program will continue to offer the finest opportunities to engage our youngest minds in a variety of learning opportunities.
The period of lockdown has been a difficult one to navigate for the children but I am amazed by the way they have coped and displayed such superb resilience in both their outlooks and their learning. This, I am sure, will continue whether the children are in school or at home. We understand that the pressures of being away from their friends and teachers for so long, will have impacted our pupils and we recognise the need to work with them all to support every element of their well-being.
My sincere thanks for the numerous supportive emails and conversations I have had with parents. Social distancing may well be keeping us apart, but as a Rossall community, I believe we have never been closer.
Have a relaxing and enjoyable weekend.