Rossall Preparatory School and Nursery

Dear Parents,

I am writing to share with you some exciting news. Our educational vision is underpinned by a commitment to continuously develop all aspects of our offering. This is reflected in our strategic development plan but, more importantly, resonates through the dynamism and aspirations that all members of this community routinely exhibit. Ahead of September 2021, we will lose the appellations, ‘Infants’ and ‘Junior’ and will become Rossall Preparatory School.  The Preparatory School will constitute three distinct phases:

  1. Nursery (3 months to Pre-School)
  2. Pre-Prep (Reception Class to Year 2)       
  3. Prep (Years 3-6)

The redevelopment of the Nursery and Pre-Prep continued throughout lockdown and is nearing completion. To all intents and purposes it is a new building and it will provide a fantastic learning environment within which our youngest children will begin their journey here at Rossall. The interior will be finished soon and all external work will have concluded by the middle of May. Currently, we are working on fitting out the new Pre-Prep library.  Increasingly, our Nursery and Pre-Prep are recognised as regional leaders on account of their outstanding resources and excellent staff. We are incredibly grateful that the School continues to prioritise investment across these areas. We look forward to inviting you to the building’s official opening in May. 

Furthermore,  I have pleasure in announcing the appointment of our new Head of Pre-Prep, Miss Grace Finney. Grace joined Rossall in September 2020 and has quickly established herself as a key member of staff both in the Pre-Prep and as a houseparent in Pelican. A psychology graduate of Lancaster University, Grace completed her PGCE at the University of Cumbria before being appointed to St Hugh’s School in Faringdon where she was coordinator for Topic, Science and e-Learning, as well as lead Year 2 class teacher.  Grace has impressed all of us on account of her creative vision and outstanding relationships with children and parents. She is a highly experienced practitioner and committed to ensuring an inclusive and inspiring learning environment for all young children. She will assume her role at the beginning of the Summer Term and we are tremendously excited that she will be leading the Pre-Prep forward. 

For a brief introduction to Grace, we have recorded a short interview with her that can be viewed here:

The future of our School and Nursery is exceptionally bright and I am looking forward to sharing that journey with all members of our wonderful community. As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in contact with any member of the leadership team.

Mr Matt Turner

Mr Lawrence Condon

Miss Grace Finney

Mrs Nikola Stott

Yours sincerely,

Matt Turner

Headmaster of Preparatory School & Nursery


Rossall School News - Lent 2021 Week 9


Bronze DofE Expedition with a difference!