Community, Friendship, Charity, Outreach
Bringing together Rossallians Past, Present & Future
The Rossall Rose Society is being launched on Saturday 2nd July at our Fundraising Midsummer Gala Evening.
For more information and to purchase tickets for this inaugural event
please click on this link
The foundation of the society responds to and builds upon the extraordinary goodwill and energy that exists within our community. It recognises the desire of Rossallian families to become participatory members of a community that extends beyond school life. It is reflective of our desire to nurture relationships with Rossallians in such a way that they endure for a lifetime. Furthermore, we want to ensure that those connected with Rossall feel that sense of belonging that is treasured by so many of us.
Our community consists of pupils past and present. It also includes current and former members of staff and members of Council. Parents and grandparents of pupils or former pupils constitute a very important dimension of our community. It is a community that extends across the Fylde and includes local businesses, charitable organisations and partners. It is also a global community in every regard.
The Rossall Rose Society will provide plenty of opportunities for Rossallians to socialise here at School. It will organise events for new parents and play an important role in terms of welcoming new families into our community. Balls, lunches, coffee mornings, trips to sporting fixtures, carol services and much more besides provides an opportunity to enjoy existing friendships and make new connections. As we emerge from Covid, this aspect of the collective life of the School is especially precious.
In recent weeks, Rossallians have raised over £25,000 for good causes. The charitable aspect of the Rossall Rose Society will be dedicated towards helping the School bring to fruition specific projects that serve to enrich the lives of our children. Fundraising will focus upon providing for non-academic items of capital expenditure such as playground equipment, musical instruments and sports facilities. From time to time, the Rossall Rose Society will raise funds to support long standing friends on the Fylde Coast such as Donna’s Dream House and Brian House Children’s Hospice.
The Rossall Rose Society will be at the heart of our growing relationships with local charitable organisations such as the Fleetwood Town Community Trust. It will seek to build strong relationships within both the commercial and charitable sector to ensure that Rossall enhances the lives of as many people as possible on the Fylde Coast.
Membership to include:
Past pupils, current parents, past parents, future parents, current and former members of Council, current and former members of staff and all those associated with Rossall and a desire to remain active members of our community.
Floreat Rossallia!