Junior School Newsletter - Michaelmas Week 13
This week's newsletter for Rossall Junior School and Nursery.
Season’s greetings to you all from Year 6.
It has been non-stop festive fun this week, creating decorations for our tree for Chapel, keeping fit and ‘elfie’ on the sponsored elf run, and making Christmas cards for charity.
We created some amazing creatures in Science based on our work on classification and research into the amazing platypus, what a curious creature and tricky to classify!
However, the highlight had to be performing our Christmas stories in Drama. After plenty of practice, we really enjoyed using all the technology of the Performing Arts Studio to create a winter wonderland in our final productions.

It’s the most wonderful time of the Year and here in Year 5 we have most certainly enjoyed a joyful week!
Christmas lunch, the Carol Service, the Elf Run and Christmas card making have all been done with great excitement.
The children have also written their own traditional tale to complete our English unit about The Lost Happy Endings.
We have had a busy and fun-filled term and I wish all of Year 5 a well earned rest!
Have a wonderful Christmas, I look forward to seeing you all in 2021!
What a start to the final week we had in Year 4!
The circus was in town and what a spectacular event it turned out to be!
The children looked amazing in their costumes - we had clowns, strongmen, magicians, dancers, acrobats and even a ringmaster or two!
Even more amazing were the routines the children had put together. We were impressed as the strongmen flexed their muscles, mystified by the magicians, dazzled by the dancers and gymnasts, and the hilarious clowns gave us all a giggle!
I was so impressed with the confidence with which the children performed - it was definitely one of my highlights of the term. Well done Year 4 - have a very merry Christmas!

It has been a fun and eventful last week of term in Year 3!
We finished our work with the Winter’s Child by writing our own fantasy stories.
To end our Pole to Pole unit we shared informative Inuit Roleplays. And to showcase our scientific knowledge we presented our own original magnet games to each other and to Mr Turner.
Such a great week for celebrating the children’s amazing learning! And of course Year 3 have loved all the festive Christmas activities.
What a fabulous way to end the term!

We have had a super final week in Year 2!
At the start of the week, we wrote Christmas cards to lonely people. We thought about Christmas messages they would want to receive and told them our favourite facts that we have learned about owls.
We have also enjoyed watching our Nativity, booing the baddy in the Pantomime and creating our own Christmas cards.
On Thursday, we all took part in the Elf run, which got us in the Christmas spirit and was for such a good cause. Thank you for all your sponsorship!

What another busy week, at the end of a busy term. Year 1 have been very creative this week making Christmas cards, calendars, decorations and decorating the class Christmas tree with 3D shapes.
We also managed to fit in the Elf Run, Christmas dinner, Panto and finishing our own monster puppets. They look ROARSOME!
The children have worked extremely hard this term, and are looking forward to a well earned rest.
Merry Christmas!
Christmas is all about spending time with family and friends and making fun memories that will last a lifetime, this rings especially true when it comes to children. While there are plenty of ways of doing this (think snow angels and sledding) there are some days where indoor activities are the best option. Rather than sitting the children down in front of a holiday movie (although we love doing that too!), you could enjoy creating lots of lovely crafts, like we have done in class...

We have enjoyed measuring ourselves this week and placing a Christmas ribbon in a bauble to hang on the tree, so you can always remember how little your child was when they first started school. We have also created some magic reindeer food to sprinkle on the lawn on Christmas Eve to guide them to your home. The children also wrote to Santa with very lengthy lists and we have received letters back this week saying that we are all on the good list! We thoroughly enjoyed dressing up as sheep and taking part in our Nativity, we hope you enjoy the video ... we look very cute! A very busy week, which also included lots of messy painting, an elf run, Christmas jumper day, a Pantomime and a Christmas lunch!

Whatever you and your little ones choose to create, the most important thing is that you'll be spending quality time together—and who doesn't want that around the holidays? Have a fantastic Christmas break!

The show must go on…………
Nursery wouldn’t let a little thing called Covid stop us putting on our Christmas Nativity. The setting was spectacular, the children sang the songs, the actors remembered all the words and everyone looked beautiful in their costumes.
This week there has been lots of Christmas crafting again. The children have enjoyed writing a letter to Father Christmas, using different media to create snowflakes and printing with Christmas cutters.
The children have also been practising their number recognition by finding the present under the tree that represents the date.
The baby room have also been crafting a lot this week. It is so nice to see the children grow in confidence - many of them when they started would not even play with messy play or get their hands dirty. In such a short time the babies have done so well in settling in, the majority of their little lives so far this year they have not been allowed to mix with anyone or go to baby groups so we are all immensely proud of them.

Reception - This weeks certificates of achievement go to Valencia for trying new foods and eating all her lunch, and Alicia for being kind and helpful to her friends.

Year 1 - Anthony and Abrianna.
Year 2 - Dolly and Nilanth for both for speaking so clearly in our Nativity.

Year 4 - Oskar and Matthew for being so knowledgeable about sound in our Science lesson.
Year 5 - Joshua for an excellent performance in indoor athletics, and Bailey for fabulous work in English.


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

During lockdown Annaiya (YR1) entered a young writers competition where she had to write an acrostic poem. Annaiya wrote a poem which will be published in a book. Annaiya is very proud of this achievement and she couldn’t wait to tell Mr Turner and Mrs Roberts.
Congratulations Annaiya - what an acheivement!

Junior School has raised £350 this term for The Pantry Foodbank. Based at the former Fleetwood Hospital, The Pantry is the new home for Fleetwood Foodbank and the Mustard Seed, which opened in October to support local residents with Faith in the Community offering deliveries.
The Junior School pupils are incredibly proud that something as easy as dressing smartly and smiling for their School photographs has allowed them to help The Pantry provide food and essentials to those who may need more support over the festive season.
Thank you to everyone who purchased their photographs and contributed to our donation to this worthy cause.

For more pictures from this week, please click here. |
For pictures from the Elf Run, please click here. |
For more pictures from the Year 4 Circus Day, please click here. |