Youth Leaders' Conference
Written by Eleanor Garstang, Year 12 Last Friday our MEDSOC team took part in the Youth Health Leader Conference at Blackpool Victoria Hospital where we learnt about important health issues amongst teachers and the role of youth health leaders in our community. Various health professionals spoke to us and many other schools from Blackpool and the Fylde about the problems our community faces, such as: alcohol and drug abuse, increasing risk in mental health issues and teenage pregnancy. We were put into six groups, to discuss our ideas of how we, as young health leaders, can encourage people to think about health change, and to prepare a presentation for the other groups, teachers and health professionals. After lunch we went back in our groups to travel around the hospital, room by room, watching scenarios about many things such as: a patient consultation, doctors giving CPR and what interviewers look for in a NHS job interview. This allowed us to gain knowledge and skills that will help us in the future in a medical health care profession. Everyone enjoyed learning new things about the specific jobs and also getting to know many other people from different schools. MEDSOC is open to students in Years 11 to 13 who wish to pursue careers in Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Studies, Nursing and Biomedical Science.