Sport Skills

At Rossall we pride ourselves in all the sporting opportunities we offer to the pupils throughout the school, from Reception through to 6th form. Whilst many of the sports and activities on offer are team sports, more and more individual sports are becoming popular, as shown by our recent successes at the IAPS National swimming finals and the Tri Golf competition. This week we have competed at the AJIS Athletics competition and played golf against Sedbergh at Casterton Golf Club. Often people consider team sport to be the most beneficial mechanism for learning how to be part of a team, for gaining leadership skills, emotional and social skills. Success on the track, in the pool, on the golf course depends entirely on one person’s efforts, their ability to perform in the spotlight under pressure, their mental strength, decision-making and taking responsibility for their actions. During a team game, it is clear to see players supporting, encouraging and motivating one another; on a lonely stage individual sports players need to show self-discipline, remain focused and learn to handle disappointments independently. Learning these types of skills at this young age, in a controlled environment with a good support network, helps the children to prepare for pressures they may face in the future. Self-reliance and resilience are key life skills as the children grow up and progress through their education, in readiness for not only in the world of work but life in general.


New £4m Sports Centre Project approved by the Rossall School Council


Untie the apron strings…let the children grow