Shooting for the stars!
This week we are launching two new initiatives and they both reflect our ambition to be world class in everything that we do. The opportunity to partner with Manchester City Football Club is obviously exciting from a sporting perspective but this is a partnership predicated upon more than successful approaches towards coaching and what happens on the pitch for Manchester City Football Club’s educational philosophy complements our own ethos and values superbly well. Children come to us with a desire to improve their academics and realise their true potential as athletes, but we challenge them to become the very best possible versions of themselves from a holistic perspective. A Rossall education is as concerned with character development as what occurs in the classroom. The breathtaking diversity that exists within our community is reflected in the aspirations of our Sixth Formers. Those achieving 100% sports scholarships to the United States or signing contracts with professional football clubs study alongside those wishing to read medicine or win places at the UK’s top music conservatoires. There is no ‘Rossall’ type of student and our children embrace the collegiality of school life whilst celebrating what it is that makes them wonderfully unique.
We are not a football school anymore than we are a piano academy or hothouse for young golf professionals. The fact that our signature programmes enable us to compete very successfully on a national stage is the outcome of outstanding mentoring and coaching; it is not an end in itself. Our Director of Sixth Form, Nick Crombie, runs a Sixth Form underpinned by the belief that we should all strive to become better people. This philosophy of continuous improvement is woven into the rich tapestry of school life. It is hardwired into our DNA and is reflected in the commitment that our teachers demonstrate towards their own professional development. It is apparent in the strategic ambition made manifest during School Council meetings. It is reflected in the charitable endeavours of our Sixth Formers and the earnest efforts of younger pupils when preparing for internal assessments. Dynamic communities do not coast along. Standing still means that, in reality, you lose ground and slip backwards. However, evolutionary change is much more healthy than revolution and it is important to really invest in the consolidation of new initiatives. There must be forward momentum and we all want to feel that we are on a journey of discovery rather than stuck in neutral.
We have partnered with Manchester City Football Club because of the sophistication of their approach and the strength of their ambition. We have done so because we recognise that their education team brings together people from an extraordinary diversity of backgrounds who are united by the desire to offer young people the very best of educational experiences. Manchester City Football Club is about much more than football and this becomes apparent when you visit the Etihad Campus. It is a truly remarkable complex that is reflective of their global ambition but also of their commitment to localism. MCFC’s regeneration of this area of east Manchester has brought sustainable benefits to the local community in terms of educational and employment opportunities. The professionalism and planning that they have brought to the project is reflective of their desire to invest in people and communities.
An outstanding education should provide plenty of opportunities to explore the rich cultural heritage of the British Isles. We have always offered a programme of weekend activities but the launch of the Rossall Inspire programme of weekend visits is designed to ensure that our boarders have ample opportunity to explore the world beyond school. From Dublin Castle, to the Tower of London, from the Lakeland Fells to the Yorkshire Dales, this programme is designed to provide a really superb gateway to the enormous diversity that exists on this wonderful island that so many of us call home. Like the partnership with MCFC, it is unashamedly ambitious and it reflects our commitment to ensuring that our children really do receive the very best of educational experiences from a holistic perspective. The primacy of teaching and learning is indisputable but it is our responsibility to ensure that our children gain experiences that will provide enduring memories and spark an active interest in discovering more about the human and natural world.
To express your interest in the programme and download the full brochure visit