Rossall School News - Michaelmas Week 10
Message from the Deputy Head (Academic)
CHOICES I was very fortunate to become an auntie for the first time this year. In the lull between lockdowns, little Leo came into the world. My baby brother had become a father, a reality that was difficult for me to comprehend as I am sure that only yesterday I was picking him up from primary school and chivvying him to finish playing video games and start doing his homework. (I may have also told him somewhere along the way to stop picking his nose and to tie his shoelaces…) Little Leo is an absolute gift to the world and due to fortunate timing I was able to see him (albeit from a distance) not long after he was born. Since then my knowledge of Leo has been purely a virtual one. I have come to appreciate that never does time pass so quickly as when you watch a baby grow from afar. The little sleepy dot that I saw in July is growing and developing at what feels like a somewhat inconsiderate pace given that me, Ben and the girls can’t see him or interact with him. And this is where my brother comes into his own. Despite the challenges presented by ongoing external circumstances, both global and more personal to him, my brother is relentlessly positive. At a time when it’s easy for us to feel so distant he works in very subtle, considerate ways to keep us together as a family so that we can all enjoy and invest in little Leo’s life journey. Leo, now four months old, is a smiley, contented little baby with the most infectious innocent belly laugh that you can’t help but laugh along with. Leo is unaware of the unique challenges posed by living through 2020; for him this is the best year of his life so far. I think it is also my brother’s. Admiring my younger sibling’s ability to generate and share a “happy normal” has made me think about the importance of how we see our own lives and our own fates. Whilst it is so easy to dwell on the things that we can’t do, places we can’t be and people we can’t see, we don’t have to let that consume us. In fact, now more than ever, is the time when we should look for and celebrate the joys in our everyday. If we can see the good in ourselves, the good in others, rejoice in the gift of friendship, marvel at how much we are learning and growing each day, bask in the glow of the shaft of wintry sunlight between clouds, then we have every chance of sustaining ourselves. After all, any moment we experience, no matter how intense, will be a memory much longer than it will have been an event. I have had cause to be consistently inspired by how our own Rossallians have risen to this challenge and instead of focussing on themselves have taken the time to share with me the good they see in others. What they may not realise, but I do, is that it takes a person with a big heart and a maturity we should all aspire to, to choose to recognise and celebrate people and actions that make this world a better place. So, in the spirit of celebration of positivity and generosity of spirit, I thought I would share with you some of the nominations for the kindness award that I have received. “I am emailing you today to nominate Moises for the kindness award, as I believe he deserves it more than anyone in the whole school. Moises during the last two years, let alone the last few weeks, has been an amazing friend, being there for me and for all his close friends when they have needed him. He is easy to talk to and always tells you the truth... Moises always has a smile on his face and is super energetic which lifts everyone’s spirits in the room...Anything that is asked from Moises, if it’s food or work or even a quick chat, he will always give you the time of day even if he has something to do.” “I would like to nominate Elijah for the kindness award because when I was new this year Elijah helped me settle into this school and helped me make loads of friends. He also introduced me to the teachers and showed me around the school and kept me company when I didn’t have anyone else to talk to.” “I would like to nominate Rita for the kindness award. Rita is one of the most warm hearted people I have met here. It is the first time for both of us to live away from home for such a long time and there are many new things and difficulties to overcome, but she does not complain or get sad even when I do, even though I am four years older than her. Even when she is tired, or her day was not the best, she still finds the energy to cheer others up and comfort them… The best thing and the thing I respect the most about her and her kindness is that her actions are never fake and her care for others comes from her heart. Although she is in Year 9, she is very mature which makes her more aware of others' feelings and therefore a very considerate and thoughtful person. Rita has proven to me countless times in these few months that you should treat others how you would like to be treated…” All best wishes, Ms Porovic Deputy Head (Teaching and Learning) |
Message from the Junior Headmaster
Dear Parents, This week, the children have discussed bullying as part of Anti Bullying Week. This culminated in Odd Socks Day; an opportunity to have fun, be yourself and spread awareness of the core values that Anti-Bullying Week promotes. Through this year, more than ever, we have all witnessed what can be achieved when we come together to tackle a common challenge. I am pleased that we very rarely face issues of this nature in the Junior School but it is still incredibly important that the children have an understanding of bullying, and know what to do, should they ever witness it as a child, or as an adult. As the weeks roll by and we trundle towards the end of the Michaelmas term, our attention begins to turn towards Christmas festivities. At a time that is so magical at both Rossall and in children's lives, it is imperative that we do our best to ensure that the magic remains alive. We have the Christmas tree light switch-on, with carols, hot chocolate and home-made baubles to boot! There is the carol service that will be recorded for parents to view, along with the nativities. We have an online pantomime to watch with treats (oh no we don't) and the sponsored Elf Run will be taking place as usual. Not to mention the world famous Rossall Christmas lunch and Christmas jumper day! For good measure, we have even arranged for any Christmas cards to go through quarantine before being distributed! Nothing will stop Rossall from celebrating this most wonderful time of the year! However, in true 'bah humbug' style, I will also take this opportunity to remind the pupils that before any celebrations, we have assessments in English and Maths next week! Have a lovely weekend. Mr Turner Headmaster of Rossall Junior School |
ASSEMBLY - MONDAY 16TH NOVEMBER 2020 In this week's assembly, the girls of Rose House discussed World Kindness Day and why it is important to try and always be kind. There were also performances from Kizzy Griffiths, Leonie Beswick and the Rossall Chapel Choir. We hope you enjoy. (Please note that pupils in boarding houses have formed house bubbles. All were tested before entering their house and followed any necessary isolation periods. The pupils in each house now safely live and study together as one household.) |
UKMT SENIOR MATHS CHALLENGE This November we sat the UKMT Senior Maths Challenge, for a selection of Y11 to Y13 students. It was the first time ever that this has been done online at Rossall School, reflecting the current situation, and the results were phenomenal! In particular, Anna Prayoonthamrongthiti (Y11, Dolphin) achieved an exceptional Silver award. At such a young age, this represents astonishing potential for the future. We also celebrated 5 Gold awards from Y12 and 13, achieved by XU, Huarui (MC) and XU, Yuanchen (SE) in Y12, and Le Quoc Khanh Duong (MF), Nino Abesadze (Rose) and Terje Mildner (Peli) in Y13. The students achieving a Gold award will be put forward to the Kangaroo Maths Challenge, and we wish them the best of luck for this. As Head of Mathematics at Rossall, I am absolutely delighted by these results, and it shows that the love for mathematics is still prevalent across all of our senior mathematicians. This test is optional and does not count towards a qualification or final grade, which illustrates for us just how committed to excellence our students are. They are fundamentally fantastic role models for our younger students, who may still be deciding whether maths is really for them. Younger students themselves may be offered the opportunity to take part in the Intermediate Maths Challenge for Y9 and 10, or the Junior Maths Challenge in Y7 and 8, later in the academic year. Alex Shaw, Head of Maths at Rossall School |
MR SHARPE'S MATHS CHALLENGE Speaking of Maths Challenges, Mr Sharpe would like to challenge you to solve his weekly puzzles. Each week, there will be a puzzle for you to solve with the answers being published in the following newsletter. Can you solve this week's puzzle? ------------- LAZY DAVE AND HIS INFINITE SOCK DRAWER Due to Dave’s lazy nature, he never ever pairs up his socks. You can’t really blame him I suppose as he has an infinite number of black, white and pink unpaired socks in his infinite sock drawer. Dave decides to go away for two nights over the weekend (back in 2018) and so needs two pairs of socks. Due to his lazy nature, he just grabs a sock at random each time from his infinite sock drawer. How many times does Dave need to do this to guarantee that he gets two matching pairs of socks? |
FYLDE COAST WOMEN'S AID Over the past few weeks, the Rossall Outreach Team has been collecting make up and toiletries to donate to the Fylde Coast Women's Aid Centre in Blackpool. They would like to thank everyone for their generosity and as soon as they are able to, they will be visiting the centre to drop of the donations. |
UNIFORM DONATION TO MALAWI SCHOOL Following on from last week's news story, the Rossall Outreach Team has put together a short video to thank everyone who donated old uniform. This has now been sent to Malawi. |
WHAT'S ON THIS WEEKEND See what's on this weekend at Rossall School. |