Rossall School Chapel Choir tour to Rome

In July, twenty-eight members of the Rossall School Chapel Choir took part in their annual Choir Tour which saw them travelling to Rome, to perform in breath-taking churches across the city. Almost as soon as the summer term concluded, the Rossall students were whisked on a jet plane heading to the ‘eternal city’ for their five-day trip. Their first performance took place in Basilica Papale di S.Paolo Fuori Le Mura (St Paul’s Outside the Walls), a stunning Church building with a vast oblong hall and double colonnades. The students took part in the Celebration of Mass, singing beautifully under the splendid dome; they were even applauded at the end of the service. The Chapel Choir’s Second Mass was held at Basilica Papale di Santa Maria Maggiore -a Papal major basilica and the largest Catholic Marian church in Rome. Under the high altar of the basilica is the Crypt of the Nativity, said to contain wood from the Holy Crib of the Nativity of Jesus Christ. Their final performance at St Paul’s within the Walls, an American Church in Rome, was a more relaxed performance for the students where they sang a number of joint songs and solos. The church, although not small, was a great deal smaller compared to the two basilicas, but the atmosphere and acoustics certainly enhanced the choir’s incredible vocals and song pieces. Between performances, the students had time to relax around the hotel and explore its wonderful landmarks and attractions including the Spanish Steps, the Trevi Fountain, the Pantheon, the Colosseum and the Forum. Nineteen-year-old Sam Pitcher, who is leaving Rossall after six years, was thrilled to perform in Rome and commented, “I loved the architecture and acoustics at the Basilica Papale di S.Paolo Fuori and the Colosseum and Forum had to be my favourite tourist attraction. This was a fantastic final trip with Rossall for me”. Director of Music, Mrs Margaret Young commented, “The Choir 2017 Tours was a fabulous experience. The pupils excelled themselves not only in their singing but also with their polite manners and behaviour and they were an absolute credit to the School”. For more pictures, please click here.


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