Prep Newsletter Lent Term Week 1

This week's newsletter for Rossall Nursery, Pre-Prep and Prep School.

Dear All,

Welcome back and a very happy new year to you all! I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful break.

The term has begun with a real sense of purpose and I have been delighted by the attitude of the children; clearly the holiday has served them well. The end of the Michaelmas term was a hectic one, filled with exciting events and there is always a danger of January becoming the proverbial 'after the Lord Mayor's show'. However, after reviewing the calendar for this term, it is clear that there is much to look forward to. The extensive Lent term co-curricular programme begins on Monday and I am positive that the children will embrace the numerous opportunities on offer to them. 

A new year offers opportunities to reflect as well as looking forward. During assembly, I did not speak with the children about resolutions but rather opted to talk about the huge potential I see in every one of our pupils. Whether it is the potential to excel in a subject, the potential to advance in music or sport, or even the potential of what profession each child could go on to realise, it is the process of starting with baby steps to incrementally improve. We all have the potential to be better in everything we do; the key is recognising it and then plotting and realising the journey to achieve.

There was a renewed house spirit on Friday, as our pupils moved away from the norm of having lunch in year groups, to sitting in their allocated houses of Assheton, Clifton and Hesketh. The suggestion, made by the children, offers the chance to sit with friends across year groups and in some cases, even siblings wishing to eat together! 

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mr M Turner

Headmaster of Preparatory School & Nursery

Just for the first week of term this newsletter has much shorter format.

We will return with the regular articles and awards next week.

Year 6

Happy New Year! Recharged and ready for an action packed term, Year 6 have returned to Rossall eager to share their Christmas news and New Year's resolutions. There is a great deal of excitement with the school production of Matilda coming soon, as well as a range of new clubs on offer at lunchtime and after school. With a host of sporting events to look forward to, Mr Condon and Mrs Kenmare will surely achieve their resolution of losing a few pounds around the midriff in no time! 

Year 5

Year 5 have started their new, exciting Topic 'Tudors by Number'. During our Topic and Art lessons, they have been able to take themselves back in time to learn all about Henry VII, Henry VIII and their families. Both classes have been able to investigate when the Tudor era happened against other important historical events. Whilst looking at the Tudor era, Year 5 have also drawn Tudor portraits focusing on their clothing and facial expressions.

Year 4

This week Year 4 have been learning about the different states of matter: solid, liquid and gas. We grouped together different items from around the classroom together by their state. The class also really enjoyed embodying the molecules of matter in these different states.

Year 3

A short week but a very exciting one! I have told the Year 3 children that this half term is my favourite, as our English, Topic and Science all blend together beautifully. We have introduced our new book Stone Age Boy, perfectly connected to our topic all about the Stone Age. In Science, we are learning all about Rocks! Lots of excitement for the learning ahead.

Year 2

Although it has been a short week, the Year 2 children have been incredibly busy. We have been investigating the appearance of what seems to be a dragon's egg, this is in relation to our new class book " The Dragon Machine"

We've also been learning about the artist Paul Klee, The children created some shape castles using his technique and style.

Year 1

It’s been a busy start to the new year for Year 1 where we have been creating self-portraits, learning lots about 2D shapes, discussing our history, and writing all about our Christmas whilst applying our phonics skills too. Well done Year 1! 


You may have heard your child talk about 'The Gingerbread Man'. We have had an exciting few days as we have found footprints in our classroom and some ingredients to make Gingerbread Men. Luckily images of the Gingerbread Man have been caught on the school CCTV cameras around school... he has been in the swimming pool, in Chapel, in the Nursery and even in Mr Quartermain's office! Who knows where he will turn up next? The children are excitedly planning ways to catch him and have painted pictures of what they think he looks like.


All of the staff at Rossall Nursery would like to wish you Happy New Year; we would also like to offer a warm welcome to all the new children and families who are joining us this term. With the start of the new term we look forward to updating you on all the learning opportunities each room plans weekly for your children. 

The Sanderlings have been settling back into nursery routine by singing nursery rhymes and familiar songs; using the actions they have been learning last term to teach the new babies. It is so lovely to see the babies helping one another and build the important bonds to create friendships that they will take through nursery. Mrs Beddis has been creative and made raspberry scented cloud dough and encouraged the babies to make their own snowmen. It was really difficult to ensure that the dough stuck together but lots of fun watching it slowly melt back into the tuff tray. Finally, the babies had the chance to familiarise themselves with our beautiful grounds with a walk splashing in the puddles that the wet weather has kindly brought for us this week. 

The Sandpipers started their week with their book of the month, the traditional tale - The Three Little Pigs. The children have taken it in turns acting out the story by pretending to be each of the characters with the use of puppets, the children have discussed the story with Miss Southern and have been into the woods to create their own little houses made of sticks with Mx Preston. The Sandpipers also had a puddle walk this week, making the most of their puddle suits and wellies to jump in the vast puddles the rain has left behind. Finally, the children have been learning about animals and have taken part in activities where they have grouped species based on whether they live on land or in the water. 

The Preschool has introduced a new learning environment for focused teaching time ready for the children who are transitioning into school this year. The children take part in learning letter sounds, mathematics (including subitising) and literacy activities everyday led by Miss Ward and supported by other members of the preschool team. This term is also the start of small groups of children having lunch in the dining hall with reception class. Preschool’s book of the month is Jack Frost Kazuno Kohara, the preschool team have planned some exciting activities for the coming weeks which we will update you on. Finally, similar to The Sandpipers, the children have been learning about the different attributes that animals have and how this determines the type of environment the animals live in.


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