‘Healthy Selfie’
It is always a pleasure to visit the Year 6 Exhibition during the summer term. The children work so hard to put together their various displays and prepare the information they have found out in attractive and informative ways. Invariably there are games to play to test your knowledge and prizes to win. Today, one boy told me he was a little nervous as he had chosen to work independently and had still three more vital word documents to produce before the exhibition opens this afternoon. The Exhibition is the culminating event for our pupils' learning journey, where they have explored local and global issues, learned conceptually, worked in collaboration with equally internationally minded people. By Year 6, the pupils have already begun to formulate their ideas about the world in which they live. The Exhibition not only provides an opportunity for the pupils, teachers and parents time to reflect on their learning but also a time to listen to their thoughts and opinions. During their presentations and explanations, we need to keep in mind all aspects of the PYP: knowledge, concepts, skills, attitudes, learner profile and action. This type of curriculum and style of teaching aims to mould our children to question everything and take action; the Year 6 Exhibition is their first real big step.