Chapel Organ Restoration

The Rossall Foundation is very excited to announce that it has agreed to fund a major restoration of the School Chapel Organ and work is to commence in October 2023 with completion by Easter 2024. The overall cost of the Chapel Organ restoration is in excess of £210,000, which will be funded 90% by the Foundation and the balance by the School.

The Harrison & Harrison Organ, in the Chapel of St John the Baptist (one of a number of Grade II listed buildings on the Rossall Campus), was built in 1925, using pipework from the previous “Father” Henry Willis instrument of 1862. The fine Organ case was designed by Sir Robert Lorimer. The Organ is dedicated to the 289 Old Rossallians who lost their lives in the First World War.

Chapel Organ Restoration

The Organ has, unfortunately, fallen into a state of disrepair over the years, not helped by the storms of 2008, and though some work was carried out at the end of 2018 it is in desperate need of a major overhaul to secure its very being for years to come.

The Rossall Foundation is really proud that due to the generosity of a number of ORs we are able to assist the School with this project and help secure a historic facility that has always been at the heart of the School. The Foundation would like to thank these donors and also Alf Tansey (MF 49-54), without whose dedication and support this project would not be taking place.

If you would like to know more about this exciting project please just email the Foundation Office ( and a member of the team will get back to you. Or telephone the Foundation Office (01253 774286) and we would be happy to discuss all the details with you.

Henry Shepherd
(JS&P 68-78)
Foundation Director


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