Duke of Edinburgh's Award

Assessor Reports

Contacting your assessor is an important step in completing your D of E award. 

On this page you can find two examples of how to make contact with them.

The first is an email template that you can complete with your own details.

The second is a document which you can complete either digitally or via printing.

Here is a template email for contacting your assessor. Replace the Xs with your personal information.

Subject: DofE Assessor Report Request


Thank you for agreeing to assess this section of my DofE award. Please visit the following website to submit my report:


You will need the following information:

  • My full name: XXXXXX 
  • My ID number: XXXXXX
  • Level: Bronze / Silver / Gold (delete all but your level)
  • Section being assessed: Volunteering / Physical / Skills / Residential (delete all but your section)
  • Date started: XX/XX/XX
  • Date ended: XX/XX/XX (check the duration is long enough)

When you have logged in you will need to write a few short / personal paragraphs describing the time I have spent with you. 

Here is an exemplar report that you might find helpful:

“Rosie excelled whilst volunteering as a peer educator. She has a personable nature and was able to talk to the younger kids on their level and really engaged them. From July 2018 to February 2019 her confidence seemed to grow and she developed her own style of explaining our key messages. She has been a fantastic ambassador for the charity and we have been delighted to have her on board. A stand out moment for us was when her talk encouraged a young person to confide in her. Rosie handled it with great maturity and took the appropriate steps to refer the young person. This experience will be great to enhance Rosie’s CV or lead onto many different career paths and we hope she continues to stay involved with the charity.* Well done Rosie!”

Thank you again for assessing this section of my award.

Best wishes,


Alternatively, print off this card to request a report from your assessor.

They will enter the report online by following the link on the card.

Open Days

Experience Rossall.