Summer Week 3 - Message from the Junior Headmaster
Dear Parents,
It is at this point in any normal term, where some children begin to become tired and sometimes irritable, when asked to complete tasks in school, never mind at home with Mum or Dad. Despite those very same tasks being exciting and dynamic, the tiredness of a term may well have set in. To those of you who are supporting your children in their learning at home at this time and are experiencing this, “It will pass!” This is a tough time for both adults and children alike, and we must all remain positive and upbeat to support one another. If you require any assistance or help whatsoever, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher or myself. We will be only too happy to telephone and speak with the children, or yourselves!
I have been buoyed this week, by the appreciation of the parents with whom I have spoken, for the high quality and level of learning materials that have been prepared online for the fifth week of our remote program. Around 700 lessons have been delivered from Reception to Year 6 during this time, not to mention countless spelling tests, storytimes, quizzes, challenges, Zoom form meetings, and assemblies. On Monday, we even have an online workshop for Year 4 through Zoom, as they investigate water with United Utilities. All in all, the children are still getting the very best of Rossall, albeit remotely.
Have a relaxing weekend.
Mr Turner