Rossall School | Independent Boarding School in Lancashire

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Happy Christmas from all at Rossall!

As we reach the end of term, it seems apposite to reflect upon the term that has passed. As a family we feel tremendously fortunate to have had the opportunity to come to a community which places such a strong emphasis on virtues such as generosity and kindness. The Fylde Coast is a particularly special part of the world and Rossall itself enjoys a distinctive reputation for being an inclusive and welcoming School. We are internationally-minded yet responsive to the needs of our neighbours in this part of Lancashire. We are mindful of our illustrious past but yet we are committed to offering a progressive and liberal education that embraces pedagogic and technological innovations where appropriate. For me, one of the greatest joys of the last few months has been having the privilege of spending time with our wonderful boys and girls and their families. The opportunity to converse with so many members of the Rossall community has impressed upon me the love that so many people have for this place. The vibrancy of the Old Rossallian Club is, in itself, a wonderful testament to the strength of our own community. For many, Rossall will always feel like home. It truly is a School for life. It is almost a hundred and seventy five years since the School’s foundation (1844). Next year we will hold various celebratory events to mark this important milestone. The School has never been in a stronger position and 2019 will see the opening of our new Sports Centre, Sixth Form Study Centre and Learning Development Department. It will also see the introduction of our Elite Sports Training Programme and the reintroduction of the School’s Classics Department. Other initiatives including the introduction of Academic Heads of Year in the Senior School, the introduction of tablet technology, the development of a school farm and phased refurbishment of our science facilities - all of which will serve to make 2019 a year to remember. We honour the past by realising our ambitions for the future. I look forward to welcoming Dina Porovic (Deputy Head of Teaching and Learning), Ben Clark (Head of Classics) and David Clarke (Head of Professional Development) to Rossall in January. I know that they will make an extraordinary contribution to School life in every regard. All our staff work tremendously hard throughout the year and I am sure that you would like to join me in thanking them for their fantastic service to the School throughout 2018. They are truly amazing. All that remains is for us (as a family) to thank you for the incredible warmth of the welcome that you have extended towards us since our arrival in July. We all feel that we belong at Rossall and that is because of each and everyone of you. We know what makes this place so special. I hope that all Rossallians enjoy spending time with their families over the Christmas period. 2019 will be a superb year in every regard and I am tremendously excited for all that the new year will bring to Rossall.