Donna's Dream House
Rossall in the Community was delighted to attend Donna’s Dream House Ball last Friday evening. Thank you to Len and Babs Curtis and all the volunteers and staff at Donna’s Dream House for a hosting such a fantastic event.
We were lucky enough to get e few moments with Len during the Ball to chat about the expansion and the plans for the new facilities.
Well I am joined by the man himself Len Curtis here at the Donna’s Dream House Ball at the Village Hotel. How is the evening going for you?
Absolutely fantastic. Three hundred friends and supporters of the Dream House have turned out tonight to raise a fabulous amount of money and support us once again.
The Fylde coast has really taken Donna’s Dream House to its heart, hasn’t it?
Oh there isn’t any question about it. We could not do what we do without the wonderful community that we have here on the Fylde.
And at Rossall, we have also been raising money for some years haven’t we.
You certainly have. It has gone from strength to strength every year and in the last six months, Rossall has focussed on working more closely with the community, and in the short period from October until now, they have raised over £4000 for us.
I know you enjoy coming to our mad nights, don’t you?
Oh we certainly do. And it is exactly what it is. And It gets better and better every year. I am not so sure about the jokes, I am not so sure about the compere. But it is a great night.
I think the jokes and the compere go hand in hand – we get worse year on year!
Very much so.
What is going to be the next thing now for Donna’s Dream House?
We need to survive like all charities and fundraise more. We have got a new house that we are now converting and trying to upgrade. And it is very important that we get the funds because we are getting more children that are living longer and need more disabled facilities, not because they are disabled, but because obviously they are at their life end and they need more support and so we are finding that we are needing to put more facilities in for that.
Well, we look forward to being very much a part of the Donna’s Dream House story for many years to come at Rossall in the Community.
Thank you very much, and we look forward to being with you because it is a two-way thing. They have offered us so and the community so many facilities now and we are very proud to be a part of Rossall in the Community.